You’re not short on ideas, you’re short on time to write them up and submit them! Learn the method to get those almost-done drafts out the door so they can powerfully change your field.

Navigate helps tenure-track womxn and nonbinary professors with a disruptive perspective on their field to publish their backlog of papers so that their voice can have the impact they know is possible.

Our Method is Unique Like You

In 12 digital modules delivered over 12 weeks, you’ll learn the method hundreds of womxn and nonbinary academics have used to resist the culture of overwork and create the space in their scheduled for publishing.

Group Coaching for Support

Every other week you’ll meet with one of our world-class coaches in a group coaching setting to work through the program material and keep you from getting stuck or stalled.

Co-writing in Community

Develop your relationship with your writing AND with your peers by co-writing together in the alternating weeks. Your coach will lead the group to set goals and then get to work together, sharing each other’s energy and creating writing “flow.”

Simple and Impactful

In just two hours per week, one hour working asynchronously on the module and one hour meeting together for coaching or co-writing, you’ll learn the systems to publish your backlog of papers–and get at least one out the door!


By the end of the program, you will have:
• A clearly articulated Academic Mission Statement and a process for using it to guide your decision-making to reign in overwhelm and leverage your time

• A mapped-out publication pipeline which serves as a high-level project plan for your publication submissions over the next year

• A process for breaking writing projects into tasks and completing those tasks in a powerfully predictable way

• A mission-driven plan for time management that ensures time to think (and write)

• Create a nurturing, fruitful relationship with your writing by implementing our proprietary Soaring System™

• Set (and hold) boundaries around your writing time

• One (or more!) of your “low hanging fruit” articles submitted for publication by the end of the 12 week session (yes, you read that right!)

Navigate is for you if:

You have published at least one article in a peer reviewed academic journal

You are sitting on 3+ article drafts in various stages of “done” (from just an outline or figures to several sections written)

You have too much data for the amount of time that you have to write it up

You are in a full-time tenure-track or otherwise “permanent” academic position

You are looking for an accelerated way to clear their publication pipelines before taking on their next big project (like preparing their dossier for promotion, going on the job market, submitting a grant)

You have s**t to say!


Week1 Program Kick-off meeting
Meet the coaches and your cohort of peers, and learn how you’ll get the most out of the program.
Week2 The Power Pipeline: Learn the Power Pipeline Method to get your backlog of publications submitted
If you’re trying to hold your entire publication pipeline in your head, it’s time to #levelup. In this system you’ll map out your publication pipeline and diagnose the clogs that are keeping you from getting your pubs out the door.

Understand all the steps in your pipeline process so that you can control them to your career advantage.

Create a curated pipeline and learn the power of carefully selecting what makes it into the pipeline–and what makes it out.

Week3 The Project Predication Plan: Finally figure out how long it actually takes you to do things so that you can project plan like an expert
Feeling defeated by your never-checked-off to-do list? You might be making a common mistake: you’re listing projects on the list, not tasks.

Learn how to break your projects into tasks so that you propel your projects forward–instead of drowning in them.

Discover the secret to estimating time-to-task so that you can predict how long your projects will take to succeed.

Week4 A Year-Long Writing Roadmap: Create a year-long plan you can stick to
Academic publishing is a long game, and even though it varies by field, most writing projects take months–or years–from idea to publication. That can make it difficult to really envision how your publications will work for you this year.

Create a year-long writing plan that works with all the other things you’re doing, not in spite of them.

Learn how to stick to a plan–and how to re-adjust when things go wrong.

Week5 The Mission Method: Create the focus that will propel your writing (and your career)
Most academics feel pulled in a thousand directions because, well, they are. But the secret to a successful career–and much more writing and publishing–lies in how narrowly focused and uniquely branded you can make yourself. You’ll use our mission method to stop being blown in the wind by every “interesting” idea you have and discover the unique academic contribution your work makes.

Dig deep to find the real motivation behind why you want to write and publish more.

Come away with your academic mission statement clearly written and hanging on your wall. 🙂

Week6 Activities Alignment: Cull the creep and learn to say no
The glorification of overwork is so real in academia that you think you must be stretched to your limits 24/7 or you’re doing it wrong. Because you have no system for sorting the projects you take on–or getting rid of projects that you shouldn’t have said “yes” to in the first place–it’s easy to get overwhelmed by serious activities creep.

Use our proven set of rubrics to assess everything you’re doing right now and cull the off-mission activities.

Align the activities that you can’t eliminate (Spoiler alert: this is the key to feeling less stressed).

Week7 Freeing time: Implement templates and workflows to free up time for writing
You’ve read a dozen time management books by now, but there’s always some key thing that’s impossible to implement. That’s because you’ve never learned academic time management from an academic mom of three.

Snag done-for-you workflows and templates that you can tweak and implement immediately.

Clearly set boundaries around your time.

Week8 Soaring (vs slogging) Sessions: Repair your relationship with writing and implement a comprehensive, sustainable system
Are you avoiding writing because it feels like a slog? Do you feel like you can get writing done for the first few weeks of the semester and then your writing time gets eaten up when the semester hits the fan? Relegating all your writing to the summer and then collapsing? Yep, you need a system.

Learn our customized three-pronged system to go from slogging to soaring whenever you sit down to write.

Completely change the way you’ve been relating to your writing so that your writing practice feels good, has momentum, and stays consistent.

Week9 The Write Goals Method: Learn The Write Goals Method for goal-setting that gains momentum
If you keep setting goals you can’t hit, you’re pulling the brakes on your own writing practice. Get out of your own way–and use goal-setting to propel your work forward by understanding the power of “write” goal setting.

Discover The Write Goals Method to determine which type of writing goals will motivate you.

Create a customized system for setting goals that you can hit.

Week10 Your Ideal Week: Map out a spacious week with time for everything, then figure out how to make it your reality
If you’ve ever lamented “there’s not enough time in the day!” you’ve never done the Ideal Week exercise. This powerful method will give you clarity around all you do and help you set spaciousness into motion.

Make sure all of your most important activities (like writing!) have time and space on your calendar.

Understand the gap between Ideal Week and Real Week so that you can start to bridge it.

Week11 Finish your low-hanging fruit project: Get that almost-done article that’s been hanging out on your hard drive ready for submission
Prepare yourself to imperfectly submit the “low hanging fruit” project you’ve been working on during the program, with the support of your coaches and peers.
Week12 Submit and celebrate!
You did it! You submitted your article and in the process profoundly changed the role of writing and publishing in your career.

Navigate Program Tuition: $3,000 USD or 4 payments of $850 USD

Next cohort dates and times:

● [Summer Cohort] May 12-July 30, 2025 > Wednesdays 12:00pm-1:00pm EST (NYC time)
● [Fall Cohort] August 25-November 14, 2025 > Fridays 12:00pm-1:00pm EST (NYC time)


What else is included in the program?
Modules, coaching, and co-writing–that’s it! Our Navigate program is designed to be simple and impactful. That means we stripped the program down to its most impactful elements and are looking for a Fall cohort of people who want to fully commit to experiencing those.
Is Navigate for any academic in any career stage?
The Navigate program is for professors who meet at least one of the bulleted descriptions at the top of this document (tons of data, lots of drafts, need to clear their pipeline for a career milestone). You can be at any career stage (early, mid, or late) as long as you have previously published and one of those is true for you.  


P.S. One thing we’ve learned over the years is that you are not defined by your career stage. At Scholar’s Voice™, you’ll see that our programs shift from a focus on institutional definitions of career stage to programs that serve your particular needs regardless of career stage.

Will this program work for me in my field?
Yes! We have worked with professors in all fields of study, and our methodology works regardless of field. A major advantage of this program is that you are in a group of people who come from a diversity of fields and backgrounds.
What is the program time commitment?
The weekly module should take you 30-45 minutes to complete. The live calls (which alternate coaching and co-writing) are 60 minutes long. So, 1.5-2 hours per week for twelve weeks.
When are the live calls?

Wednesdays at 12:00pm-1:00pm EST (NYC time). Our first meeting is starting May 14, 2025 and our last meeting is July 30, 2025!

How much does it cost?
$3,000 USD or 4 payments of $850 USD
What is the enrollment end date?

Enrollment closes on April 30, 2025.

Can my university pay?

Yes, but we must have payment in hand by the enrollment due date, April 30, 2025.

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