Elevate Panel Discussion: Insights, Takeaways & Investing In Yourself

I’m joined on this episode by wonderful Elevate graduates Debra Gombert and Sonia Cabell. We talk about the most impactful parts of the program, tangible versus intangible benefits, and where they’re going from here. They each share great insights and inspirational takeaways to remind us all that we are worth investing in, and that growth and change never stop.
Key points discussed:
- What each of their careers looked like and what wasn’t working before Elevate
- What the most impactful part of the program was for each of them
- Shifting to bigger picture thinking rather than single answer solutions
- Zones of genius and leaning into strengths in all areas of life and career
- 1:1 coaching and the difference it made for each of them
- Discovering patterns of scarcity
- What made each of them hesitate before signing up, and why they signed up anyway
- Tangible versus intangible benefits and the impact of each
- Going back to the toolkit of skills Elevate equipped them with
- Continued growth, and individual benefits of the coaches and community
Key Quotes:
- “What am I bringing to the party that no one else is bringing?” -Debra Gombert
- “The zone of genius pops up in all aspects of my life.” -Sonia Cabell
- “You are doing your work through the container of the university, but that is not who you are.” -Cathy Mazak
- “The coach doesn’t have the answers; the coach helps me see what my questions are, what my hopes are, what my thoughts around an issue are.” -Debra Gombert
- “Invest in yourself in whatever big or small ways are right for you, because you’re worth it!” -Cathy Mazak
- “There’s never a best time for anything.” -Sonia Cabell
- “I really wanted support in looking at what’s next for me.” -Debra Gombert
- “If this venue disappears, I’ll find a different venue.” -Debra Gombert
- “I’m always a work in progress. I don’t think the goal is arriving at something, but rather, continuing to improve.” -Sonia Cabell
- “I just need to be the best me.” -Sonia Cabell
If you felt inspired by the stories Debra and Sonia shared and want to learn more about Elevate, click here to get your questions answered: https://scholarsvoice.org/elevate.
Applications are opening now. We hope you’ll consider applying to join us in February!
Connect with Sonia Cabell:
Connect with Debra Gombert:
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