Episode #192

On The Other Side Of Mastering Writing And Publishing

It’s time to talk about what happens after mastering writing and publishing. In past episodes, we have discussed the importance of creating a sustainable relationship-based writing practice and how impactful intentional action can be in clearing your publication pipeline and boosting your academic career.


But what happens once you have mastered publications? In today’s episode, we talk about the world of opportunities that become available once you are a pro at writing and publishing. Not only does mastering these skills give you more freedom of time and brain space, but it also gives you more agency over your career and your impact in your field.


What Does Mastery Look Like?

Mastering writing and publication means that you understand your publication pipeline and that it is well-curated to support your academic mission statement. You have a good rhythm with your writing and a predictable writing practice. You have established boundaries on your time and are comfortable starting and stopping publications. Finally, mastery includes believing that you deserve to contribute and that what you have to say is valuable in your field.

What Happens After Mastery?

  1. You will try to fill brain space with other stuff and unnecessary “yeses.”
  2. A world of opportunities opens, and you can start crafting your legacy.


After you master writing and publications, it is time to consider how you want your career to look and what other ways you want to show up in your field. For some academics, this might mean changing how they show up for students or prioritizing time with family. Most importantly, the standard for your career goes up. No more guilt, no more binge-and-bust writing cycles, and no more overwork! 


“On the other side of mastering writing and publishing is spaciousness. It’s a lot more brain space and if you are not a good steward of that brain space, it can be taken over by unnecessary yeses. We are programmed to fill all the spaces and you could fill it without realizing it. So on the other side of mastering writing and publishing is an amount of spaciousness that you get to decide what to do with.”


“Imagine if you had publications coming out in a nice cadence. That opens up a new world of possibilities for you. Then you can start thinking about what you are going to do and how you can create and live out this career. That’s when you can start to think about legacy.”


We’ve opened the waitlist for our next cohort of Navigate: Your Writing Roadmap®. Check out the program details and get on the waitlist here.  


Continue the conversation:

    • Our 12-week Navigate: Your Writing Roadmap® program helps tenure-track womxn and nonbinary professors to publish their backlog of papers so that their voice can have the impact they know is possible. Get on the waitlist here!
    • Cathy’s book, Making Time to Write: How to Resist the Patriarchy and Take Control of Your Academic Career Through Writing is available in print! Learn how to build your career around your writing practice while shattering the myths of writing every day, accountability, and motivation, doing mindset work that’s going to reshape your writing, and changing academic culture one womxn and nonbinary professor at a time. Get your print copy today or order it for a friend here!


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