Episode #158

Interview with Client that Embodies Scholar’s Voice™ Spirit: Stacey Anderson

We decided to do some episodes featuring clients who have worked with us in our programs who we really think embody the Scholar’s Voice™ spirit.

When we at Scholar’s Voice™ were thinking about clients of ours that speak to the Scholars’ Voice values, vision, and the experience of our programs, our guest on today’s episode, Stacey Anderson immediately came to mind.

Dr. Stacey Anderson is an Associate Professor of English at California State University Channel Islands, where she also serves as Interim Chair of the English Department and Director of the Composition Program. Stacey has been one of our clients for a while, and we are honored she would join us on the podcast to share her career journey and experience within Scholar’s Voice™.


How Stacey Found Scholar’s Voice™

Stacey’s friend sent her an episode of our podcast, and immediately Stacey says she “felt so seen” as someone who had recently completed the tenure track. She then decided to make an investment in herself after attending our Elevate webinar and paid for our Elevate program herself in order to find happiness in her new career phase.


Why Stacey Likes Scholar’s Voice™ Coaching and Content

What Stacey really likes about our program compared to other programs she participated in is that it’s about studying yourself, and what your actual writing process is. It’s not your idealized writing process, and not what you think a scholar ‘should’ look like. She loves how you create that process and then gather that data and use that to structure your day, your week, and your projects.


How Scholar’s Voice™ Programs Have Impacted Stacey’s Career & Mindset

Stacey shares that she has never had the experience of so much honesty, vulnerability, and compassion within a group program. The relationships that Stacey has found in our programs have helped her feel encouraged and supported in her career as she moved through our program with her cohort.

She continues on to explain how she became much more deliberate with her calendar and how she spends her time during her working hours to be more intentional about not being super busy.

Stacey feels that learning to deal with change has been a huge benefit of the program to learn how to experience change well within her own career. Learning to situate who she is outside of her institution, but also not being as overly tied to any particular outcome of something has been an impactful takeaway that has shifted her mindset in her career.


Major Takeaways Stacey has from Scholar’s Voice™ Programs

One of Stacey’s major takeaways from being inside of the Scholar’s Voice™ program has been how it has helped her feel better about taking her time and being selective and discerning in terms of where she puts her energies, including her writing and research energies.

During her time in the program, she feels like she has become more of an expert in higher education and has learned to overcome the self-doubt she felt earlier in her career.


What ‘A Better Way to Academic’ Means to Stacey

To Stacey, how you show up matters. The way you show up as your authentic self and what you bring to the table when you are a part of something is hugely important.

Stacey says that looking inside and trusting herself and letting that guide her as opposed to feeling like she needs to impress others or not fit in has been a major way that ‘a better way to academic’ has shifted her mindset and focus as she continues to progress in her career. She’s no longer worried about what other people are thinking about her, but is largely more concerned with the value she’s bringing to the spaces she is involved in.

She’s learned how to roll with changes that may come her way instead of being flustered by changes in her workspace.

“I signed up and really invested in myself. I paid for [Elevate] myself. I said, ‘This is money I need to spend to make my life possible and to find my happiness in this new phase.’” – Stacey Anderson


“The way that Scholar’s Voice always talks about writing really has helped me approach how I speak to students that I teach or students in my program that I mentor, or advise, as well as in my faculty development roles of helping other faculty with their writing.”


Download Our University Retreats Brochure: 

We’ve created our new Scholar’s Voice™ faculty development retreats so you and the rest of your colleagues can work together to come up with ways to make the faculty experience better for everyone at your institution. These retreats can be either in-person or virtual and would be a great option if you aren’t able to participate in one of our traditional programs. 

Check out our Scholar’s Voice™ Faculty Development Retreats here!


Featured on the show:

Dr. Stacey Anderson is an Associate Professor of English at California State University Channel Islands, where she also serves as Interim Chair of the English Department and Director of the Composition Program. Stacey’s headshot credits go to ©️ Carrie Holmquist Photography.

  1. Follow Stacey Anderson on Twitter 
  2. Check out Stacey’s LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacey-stanfield-anderson/

Continue the conversation:

  1. Our 12-week Navigate: Your Writing Roadmap® program helps tenure-track womxn and nonbinary professors with a disruptive perspective on their field to publish their backlog of papers so that their voice can have the impact they know is possible. Get on the waitlist here!
  2. Cathy’s book, Making Time to Write: How to Resist the Patriarchy and Take Control of Your Academic Career Through Writing is available in print! Learn how to build your career around your writing practice while shattering the myths of writing every day, accountability, and motivation, doing mindset work that’s going to reshape your writing, and changing academic culture one womxn and nonbinary professor at a time. Get your print copy today or order it for a friend here!
  3. Want to train with us for free on your campus? Now you can when you recommend our Scholar’s Voice Faculty Retreats to a decision-maker on your campus! Download the brochure with the retreat curriculum and both in-person and online retreat options here.

Click here for transcript.


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