Episode #138

What Academic Leadership Really Means [Re-release Ep 94] 

What if being a leader in academia doesn’t have to mean taking on an administrative role? What if it means so much more than that?


When we hear people talking about leadership in academia, what they often mean is admin. Leadership to your institution probably means a department chair or associate director, or other role that helps the university to function. But if admin just isn’t a fit for you, does that mean you’re not a leader? No way. 

If this conversation inspired you in any way, don’t miss out on the info session for the next cohort of Elevate! Click here to learn more and sign up.

This progression of episodes is a series of re-releases of our most popular episodes about the Post-Tenure Experience. Today’s episode is a re-release of episode 94 of the podcast. You can find episode 94 full show notes here.

We thought this re-release would be perfect, because we are getting ready to enroll our post-tenure into mid/late career program, Elevate

Elevate is a 6-month program that runs from February – July, 2023. We want to give you time to find out information about the program and decide if it is right for you, so we are opening enrollment SOON. 

Elevate is an application-only program that centers on the 1:1 coaching experience. You’ll experience 1:1 calls, group calls, and workshops in our Elevate program. 

TOMORROW, October 5, 2022 we will be doing an information session LIVE where you can have any questions you have about the program answered. As long as you register, you can come live OR we will send you the recording! During this info-session, you will get all of the information about our Elevate Program and how to apply.

Register for the Elevate info session here!

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