Episode #117

Collaboration and Connection with Kimberly & Dee

Have you ever struggled with collaboration in the academic world? It can be such a hit or miss depending on what type of rapport you build and how the working relationship is. 

Today my guests are Kimberly Hale and Dee Kinney, and we are discussing their inspiring collaboration on how Covid-19 impacted and affected college students of all abilities. We discuss how this research project became a publication and explore the path they took from meeting to co-authoring this publication.


Dee specializes in college student health and well-being on regional campuses, while Kimberly’s academic mission is to increase the access, equity, and inclusion of deaf people in hopes of increasing the number of deaf people teaching in higher education. 

We talk about their collaboration style, and how important relationship and rapport building are with one another to ultimately have a healthy, cohesive collaboration.

Key points discussed:

  • Who Kimberly and Dee are
  • How they found each other, and how it resulted in a publication
  • How they work, write, and present together
  • What services students with disabilities were not getting while taking online classes during the early days of the pandemic
  • Data collection coordination for the Covid-19 College Student Impact Study
  • How communication is key in healthy collaboration
  • The connection between education and public health
  • Pre-tenure and Post-tenure research
  • The future of their collaboration

Key Quotes from Kimberly and Dee:

“That group collaboration where everyone was bringing something different allowed us to capture different data [than others were collecting].”

“What we captured that’s not captured in other places was faculty and staff from different institutions who work with students with disabilities and what they actually need to provide an accessible course for students with disabilities.”

“Access to education is a huge predictor of health.”

“Taking away access and making it [education] not accessible is detrimental to people’s health.”

“This is where a lot of collaboration work goes wrong; you’re collaborating and people are making assumptions….”

“We balance each other. We’re a good balance, and the communication is a huge part of it.”

“The relationship was key [in our successful collaboration].”

“…to feel like there are other people working for the good. We’re not just publishing to hear ourselves talk. We’re really working to do those things.”

“Don’t assume just because someone is tenured that they don’t want to be on a research team.”


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