Episode #122

Making Time To Write is Only the First Step [ebook release day!]

Do you feel stuck in your publication pipeline? Do you feel like you’re grinding out the same work every day and seeing little to no results? Enrollment for my program Navigate is opened back up TODAY! Come join us as we merge my new book, Making Time to Write, with the Navigate program for a fun hybrid program we know will help you to double your publication output and find more time to write.


TODAY my new book Making Time to Write is officially available to the world on all online book platforms in ebook form!!

In this episode I unpack why I decided to write a book called Making Time to Write and why the other things that I do in our Navigate program are more focused on publications now.

When I started coaching, what I noticed was that people’s biggest complaint was, “I just don’t have time to write.” When you read the book, and if you take our Navigate Program, you will realize that it’s really not about time, but that you just think it’s about time. That is only one piece and not even the biggest piece of what’s holding you back from having the career that you really want. 

Navigate is open TODAY!!! Enroll in Navigate here! The enrollment is from Today, May 3- May 15.

If you join Navigate by May 15th, you get 3 coaching book club calls for our special book club version of Navigate using my new book, Making Time to Write.

The paper copy of the book will be available online and in bookstores in August. But you can get it first if you join Navigate by May 15! We are sending everyone who joins before then a physical copy for the book club!

What is the core of Making Time to Write about?

Making Time to Write is about a mindset shift. This is not a ‘how-to’ book. It is about deeply getting into the questions:

  • What are the things you need to believe? 
  • How do we need to shift the way we think? 
  • How do we need to expose certain ideas as racist, ablest, patriarchy so that we can really step into what we want for our careers? 

Making Time to Write is really about owning your career.

I spend a lot of time in the book talking about how to deal with both predictable and unpredictable disruptions. We ask ourselves ‘How do you get back to writing again after you’ve been disrupted?’


The Program Promise of Navigate and how it’s Different:

Navigate is a year long program for women and nonbinary professors.

The program promise is: Navigate helps tenure track professors double their publishing output in a year by implementing 10 essential productivity systems with the weekly support of coaching and peers. 

The two aspects of reading Making Time to Write together as a book club and the publication output piece are going to be very integrated into this round of Navigate.

The first milestone from Navigate which happens around the 10 week mark is that you have 2 hours booked into your calendar every week for writing.

We’re helping you implement things inside of your calendar and in the way you interact with your students and your colleagues that are going to make those interactions more efficient and more bounded so that you are freeing up space in your calendar. 

We consider an ideal calendar vs. a real calendar

Every Monday we do a live half-hour coach-led call with your peers called Momentum Mindset.

We have daily co-writing times. In these, you put your goals for the writing session in the chat, press mute, and write with other people for the hour. 

The thing that makes us different in the way that we teach project management is that we want you to learn about yourself. We call it the process of self-knowing. What we want to do is stop you from thinking, “I should do ‘X’.  Instead, we want you to think, “This is me, and this is the way I work. How can I lean into that in order to have more benefit?”

We also support you in guided writing sprints, and 3 planning sessions a year that help you develop your planning skills.

We also dig deep into pipelines where we discuss curated pipelines. You need to have a pipeline designed that’s very curated and very aligned with your academic mission.

We want you to sustain the practices that help make your career feel spacious and help you publish more. We want you to sustain those practices for your entire career. 

Quotes to Note:

“Both making literal time on your calendar to write and having that writing time, lead to submitted publications, and thus more publications out in the world. Because nothing’s getting out in the world that we don’t submit.” [4:25

“It’s inhuman to think that when something happens to you that you can just power on. It is such a toxic kind of mindset, that we are supposed to be unaffected brains without bodies inside of academia.” [15:15]

“It’s so much better to be predictable than fast.” [34:50]

“Figure out how you can be more predictable because that predictability is going to feel spacious. And it’s going to feel like you’ve time to think.” [35:15]

“You need to have a pipeline designed that’s very curated and very aligned with your academic mission.” [38:30]


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Follow me on Clubhouse: @cathymazak 


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