How To Be Productive After Travel
We’re in the height of the fall conference season, and there are lots of us on the road. As academics, many of us travel at least once or twice a year to attend academic conferences. Traveling (for many different reasons) is a common part of our academic lives. I’ve...
How to Unlearn (And Relearn) Writing in Academia
Did academia make us forget how to write? One of the members of The Academic Women’s Writing Collective posed this question to me, and it really made me think. Our relationship to writing develops when we are young. The path is different for everyone, but many of us...
Finishing the article that’s almost done
At some point or another we’ve all had one. That draft that is almost done, but not quite ready to submit for publication. Maybe it’s a dissertation chapter, a conference paper, or an excellent seminar paper. It’s really written already, but it needs...
Recognizing Academic Pre-Burnout and What You Can Do About It
Burnout is a real thing for academics. I know you know this. What you might not know is exactly what pre-burnout looks like, and what to do to if you feel that you are experiencing pre-burnout right now. I think it might be helpful to hear how I got to academic...
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