Five Myths about Getting Writing Done
As you close your laptop on turning in grades, set up your email auto-responder so that students know you are unreachable and dream about all those projects that you’re going to finish over the break, it might be time for a little reality check. Let me guess: you have...
How to Write More (Spoiler Alert: It’s Not About Time)
“What’s the biggest obstacle between you and writing more?” -this is the question we often ask our clients. Here’s what they say: “Time!” “Time management and my teaching load at a teaching intensive university” “Time and motivation” “Distractions, time, fear of...
The Four Cornerstones to Writing More: Break Writing Projects Into Tasks
This is part 3 of our four cornerstones of writing more series. Here’s a common writing mistake to stop making now: Putting projects on your to-do list instead of tasks. If you’ve been writing “finish article” on your to-do list, then you’re guilty of this. You’re...
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