5 Myths About the Organized Professor

5 Myths About the Organized Professor

Do you ever look around and feel like everybody has it together but you? Like everyone seems to keep their agendas up-to-date, hit every deadline, and get their writing done, while teaching all their classes and graduating five students a year? And you think: I’m just...
New Year’s Resolutions for Academic Writers

New Year’s Resolutions for Academic Writers

New Year’s resolutions get a bad rap. It’s true, these beginning-of-the-year promises to ourselves often get broken. But that doesn’t mean that resolutions should be written off entirely. The new year is full hope and promise. Everything is possible! And although the...
Changing Campus Culture

Changing Campus Culture

What does it take to change the campus culture? Seth Godin sums up culture in the simple phrase: People like us do things like this. Translate that into campus culture and we get: Academics like us do things like this. Academics like us… …publish in the top...

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